About Us


I’m Mark O Looney, the founder of The Body Hub. I love the outdoors, different sports and farming. After some difficult years with the global pandemic, we all learned how important our health is. Day to day routines were interrupted, social settings were taken away and our way of life was turned upside down. Being an almost daily gym user my own routine was gone. In a matter of months, I was out of shape, unhappy and struggling. Once normality resumed I promised to look after my health better than ever. I got back into the gym, started running and took up yoga. I finished my first full marathon in April 2022 and continue to improve my lifestyle. With all the rigorous training, along with sitting at a desk for the day job, aches, stiffness and pains set in. I needed something to aid my recovery and reduce the stress of daily life.

That’s how “The Body Hub” idea came about. Instead of just looking after my own body and mind why not help others too! Whether you’re an athlete, frontline worker, or sitting in an office for hours on end, The Body Hub might have a product to help your body, mind and soul.